Thursday, July 23, 2009

16 Months Old

Ok, so I thought of something else I could blog about...Bubba. What else? Haha. Today, Bubba turns 16 months old. I still can't believe that I no longer have a baby, but I have a toddler. I full fledged toddler. Oh my goodness does he keep me on my toes! is what Bubba is up to lately:
  • He loves water. He loves to drink it, and he loves to play in it. Seriously, he will take off towards ANY kind of water in the hopes to play in it. And he is constantly drinking a lot of water.
  • He can say "Dad", "Ball", "ya", "truck" (sound like tck), "milk", "dog", "uh oh", "mama" "hello" and a few other words that are still hard to distinguish. Haha.
  • When he wants something, if he can't say what it is, he will pull your hand over to what he wants, and look at you and say "eh?" Seriously SO cute, but sometimes hard when he pulls you all the way across a room for something!
  • He loves animals. He is learning is animal noises. He knows what a dog, cat, bird, and cow say. (Don't ask about the cow..that was actually the first one that he knew!)
  • He like to eat. His favorites are hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, yogurt, cheese, ANY kind of meat, especially sausage, corn off of the cob, most fruits and vegetables, potatoes and kidney beans. He also likes cookies, and smarties.
  • He has 1 nap a day, that usually lasts about 2 hours. He also sleeps about 10 to 12 hours at night.
  • He is throwing fits. Not just the little whining fits, but the ones where he starts screaming, throwing his body back, hitting, all out fits. These make me feel like I don't know what I'm doing! I try to ignore his fits, and just be there for comfort. But he can usually get his way with others. ;-)
  • At his 15 month appointment, he is all caught up on immunizations, he was in the 90th percentile for his weight, and 80th percentile for his height. So he is still a big kid! He was 27 pounds, and 32 inches long. I can't believe he is growing so much.
  • I LOVES kisses! He loves to give them, and especially to blow them. If he sees a car drive by, he will blow it a kiss. When people leave the house, he will blow kisses. When he goes down for a nap, or bedtime, he has to go around to everyone and give them kisses.
  • He knows how to wave, color, and he uses sign language for "more", "please", and "thank you". When he wants something, he will walk up to you and sign "please" with a smile on his face. Makes me melt.
  • He's been walking since he was 10 months old, he now tries to run, kick a ball, and attempts somersaults.
  • Still remains the light of my life, and I love him more every day!

I hope to have pictures up shortly! Hopefully I can get it to agree with me!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

omg. He getting so big. :( our little boy growing up so fast :( U guys are doing a awesome job. If you havent been anle to tell all my kids are tall. Josh was always 75% in everything and Oni is in 90% in all. :D