Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I thought that I would jump on really quick and give an update on Bubba. He is doing MUCH better. He only wakes up once at night now, his coughing doesn't keep him awake. When he first got sick, he would only sleep for 10-30 minutes and that was it. He would wake up, cry, cough, and try to go back to sleep for another 10-30 minutes. But he now sleeps again! Yay! He is also eating again, and he plays more. He hasn't had a fever for about 3 days now, and is just overall doing better. I am very excited for this! Hopefully we can keep him well for a while! I mean, it just wouldn't be fun to be sick on your birthday...
Anyway, a couple of days into it, I took these pictures. He was sleeping on our bed, but he kept wiggling. This is how he ended up. Funny thing, he was asleep for the whole thing! Silly boy..

Poor Sam. His arm started hurting after a while, but we didn't want to wake him up, and we didn't want him falling off of the bed!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm SO glad he is doing better!!! Such GREAT news! And those pictures are hilarious!!!