Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Night Confessions

Here we go again!
  • I hate sickness.
  • I am VERY excited that we finally got a Birth Certificate, and Social Security Number for Bubba! Now I can do my taxes.
  • I am scared of my siblings driving. No offense, I am just not used to it. I hold onto the seat a LOT.
  • I get car sick easily. Growing up, I had a special seat in the car because I was the one we were always pulling over for. I can still point out the spot in Sardine Canyon that we would always pull over at.
  • Sam wishes that I cook more for him. And I really don't like to cook. I will try to think of everything I can to get out of cooking...we had a lot of frozen pizza, pot pies, and mac n cheese.
  • I actually watched The Bachelor this last season...and I enjoyed it.

I think that is all for this week. My family has been sick, and I am exhausted and just can't think anymore! Enjoy!


mandy_moo said...

ahhh I am the same way about cooking!!!

Michelle said...

So fun to read!!! Yay for doing your taxes!! :) If you ever need help....hehe Anyway, I used to be like that about cooking for the first 3 years of our marriage. Then I randomly got the cooking bug one day. It's VERY weird.

I hope ya'll are feeling better soon!!! Thanks for blogging so much!

Carter Family said...

I totally know what you mean about your siblings driving, LOL! I am glad you finally got all the official papers for Bubba! YAY!