Sunday, February 22, 2009


Curtis and I went out today and did a little photo shoot of Bubba since it was fairly warm, and since we cut his hair, and we got him a cute outfit. All of these things BEGGED for a photo shoot. Haha. So here are my favorites. There are a lot, I tried to narrow them down...but I couldn't. So I asked my siblings for help narrowing them down...they couldn't. Lot of help they are. So you get all of them here. Enjoy!

Har Har Har...I'm SOOO funny!

"What's up?"

This one is showing him walking. He was so excited to see me sitting there that he started walking faster to get to me!
So fast in fact that he fell. He wasn't hurt when he fell, but he whined a little bit (proably because he was sick of it at this point) and just laid there with his head down (which he does whenever he is sad, hurt, upset, etc...) It was SO sad, but I couldn't resist taking the picture.
Awww...I just love him SO much! Now, which one should I blow up and hang on my wall? Any choices? Let me know which ones you think I should! Enjoy!


Crystal said...

3 or 6th are cute.

birthMOM said...

one and ten side by side would be so cute!

Anonymous said...


Those are so so so cute! We HAVE to have you take some of Bradlee.

I love it!

Alicia W. said...

Make a montage of a bunch of them for your wall. And don't forget the one where he's laying down.

Michelle said...

I love love love them! All of them! I think if you are going to print one for your wall, you should do the one where he is looking right at the camera (3rd from the bottom). The 2nd from the bottom is way cute too....and ack...all of them! So hard to decide!

mandy_moo said...

Aw man, I can't believe how big he's gotten!!! I remember when he was just a couple days old!!! Whoa!!! I love how expressive he is with his face!!