Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So, I know all of you have been waiting for more pictures of the little guy, so I thought I would share some of my favorites. These are from when he was only about 1/2 an hour to an hour old. And the one with his Easter Outfit was taken on Monday. So enjoy!

He did NOT like being uncovered!!

This is him in his little Easter outfit..
And here is the three of us. This was taken Sunday afternoon.
We are now waiting for placement to happen, which should be tomorrow! We will see how things work out! Enjoy!


Michelle said...

I couldn't even look at these pictures without the BIGGEST, GOOFIEST grin coming to my face!!! And you guys look SOOO happy and cute in the one with you two and the baby! I love how Sam just looks like the most proud of all dads!!! I love it!!!!! Seriously, the three of you make the most perfect family!!! Thanks for posting things!! :D

Nicole said...

Ah! Look how cute he is and how adorable your little family picture is! I am soooo excited for you and can't wait for more pictures to come!

Melanie said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I don't think I've EVER seen either of you look so happy!!! I am so happy for YOU!!! He is SO perfect! Love you guys!!!

lasantine said...

I've got to say it again, what a little cutie! You guys must just be in heaven right now. Congratulations!