Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Handsome Boy...

So...I finally got a bunch of stuff together, and tried doing a photoshoot of bubba. He DID NOT want to go to sleep, so all of them are him awake! I will have to wait to get some asleep shots when he is actually deep in sleep! But here are some of them. I have converted them differently also, and those I will post on my other blog. So click here. So enjoy, and I will come back and update about our weekend!

I had him in this long sleeve onsie, because it SNOWED yesterday! Grr...I just want it to be spring!!



mandy_moo said...

Oh my goodness, he is so stinking adorable!!!!

Michelle said...

He has SUCH beautiful eyes! Ahhh what a cutie! It's so fun to see these pictures of him!

Melanie said...

CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!...I mean...'rugged' ;) Beautiful boy!!! You are amazing!!!

Lisa said...

These pics are GREAT!!!! I am so happy for you!