Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Boy

My boy is growing up. I know I've told you all this before. But he's growing up. He enjoys having his picture taken now. (And as you can see from the photo below, he is starting to pose for me)
I love it.

This little boy means the WORLD to me. He is the highlight of my life. He is the reason I get up every day, and the reason I do what I can to provide for him. He is a sweetheart, and will melt your heart with his "I love you's" and his hugs and kisses. He is my life.
I've been going through a rough patch, and I feel SO lucky to have this little guy in my life. He makes everything worth it. Sometimes I don't think so, but in the big picture, he does.

I love his face.
I love his cute toes.
I love the way he tickles me in the morning to get me to wake up.
I love the way he looks at me and say's "I love you".
I love the way that he snuggles me when I'm scared.
I just love him.

And somehow, when I look at him. I know everything is going to be ok.

Enjoy :-)

1 comment:

Crystal said...

HE IS SO CUTE!! (saying w\o bias here ;) )