Monday, June 7, 2010


i HATE feeling sick
with a passion

i felt pretty good yesterday morning, and into the afternoon.
then my stomach started getting a little iffy
then i couldn't move without feeling sick
only catch,
i was at my parents house

i had to somehow get from there, to my place.
so i sucked it up, got in the car and headed home with sam and bubba
unfortunately i didn't make it all the way home

first time EVER (yes in almost 8 years of living with me) that sam has seen me lose my dinner

got in the house, and felt somewhat better (minus the shaky, numb hands, the aches..)
we tried to go to bed and i was up


my body ached so bad i couldn't stay in one position for longer than a couple of minutes
i tossed and turned and tried to keep my belly calm

finally fell asleep about 7 this morning
bubba woke up at 9:30

thankfully my wonderful sister kaleigh came over and tried to help me. i couldn't get up, but i couldn't leave bubba to his own devices.
she fed him, she watched a movie with him (which we watched 5 times today, because i couldn't get up to change the movie...)
my fever went up to 102.

i was supposed to have a photoshoot tonight. i hate rescheduling. but i didn't have a choice.
kaleigh brought me a jamba juice to try and make me feel better.

i sent sam to the store with bubba just so i could lay here.

i'm bored out of my ever loving mind. but i hurt all over to do anything about it

this just sucks.

where's my meds

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!!