Saturday, April 18, 2009

Haha...Friday Night Confessions...

Yeah, so I was talking to someone, and was informed that I forgot to post these last night! Haha, I had completely forgotten. Good grief! So without further explanation here they are...
  • I really don't like winter. It is too cold and wet. I prefer the dry, warmer weather of summer in Utah. And year round in California, Hawaii, etc.
  • I really want to move out of the state of Utah. I don't know why, but I want to move. I think that we are at a point where we would do better as a little family if we were to move away and be by ourselves.
  • The thought of moving out of the state of Utah scares the crap out of me. I don't think I could be away from my family...
  • I want to re-do my wedding. There are a lot of things that I would have done different. Don't get me wrong, I loved my wedding...but there are a lot of things I wish I insisted on and did.
  • My sister got an iTouch, and I am madly in love with it. Haha. I try to convince her to leave it with me, just so I can play with it. And now I want one of my own, so that I don't have to bother asking her for it.
  • Along with that, I am obsessed with electronics. Computers, cameras, phones, any electronic device I want a piece of. Yeah, I know, I'm sad.
  • I absolutely LOVE my parents ward. And I am so excited to be a part of their ward again. Out of all the wards I have ever lived in, this is my favorite, and part of me never wants to leave it.
  • I am currently watching Bubba try to climb underneath the couch. I wonder how long it will take to realize that he is NOT going to fit in that 1'' opening. Haha Silly boy.

Alright...there you are! They are all updated. I will try to do better next week.


mandy_moo said...

honestly I wish I could redo my wedding too. My mom made it "her" wedding by insisting on having exactly what SHE wanted (except my dress). I wish I would've stood up for myself and had it the way I wanted. She kept using the excuse that she was paying for it (not even true, since my dad is the one who brings home the bacon) and that was why she got to pick....

Also, I wish Mike would've taken more than like 1 or 2 days off work, and that we could've actually had a FUN honeymoon. Gone somewhere cool like Mexico or something. whoa, sorry to rant and rave on YOUR post.... guess I could just really relate.

Michelle said...

Ok, now I am super curious what you want to change from your wedding. I feel the need for a NEW post on the topic :)