Sunday, January 3, 2016

Baptism Preview

Tonight we had the chance to go to Bubba's Baptism preview.  I'm pretty sure it seems like yesterday that I was writing on here that he was born and we were welcoming him to our family. And now here we are going to a preview for him to be baptized this year.  :)

He was so excited to learn about what will happen, and how he can prepare for it.  He keeps asking what he can do, and giggling, saying that he's so excited. "I just want to be baptized NOW, Mom!"  We have such a big ward (seriously, over 100 kids in Senior Primary alone...) that there will be 4 kids baptized the same month that he is.

Watching him experience all of this has definitely got my mind thinking. I'm reviewing some of the basic truths that I haven't focused a lot on, and seeing the importance in them again. Basic, simple truths, that I've taken for granted.  Lots of prayers and studying to help him understand better, has definitely helped increase my testimony. By a LOT. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to help him prepare for it. I growing opportunity for him and our family together as we help get ready for it.

Winter break is officially over. School starts tomorrow, and everything goes back to normal. Which makes me both happy and sad. I just need the cold to go away. I'm definitely not a winter girl. I really really like my sun and warmth. And we are just starting into January, meaning I'm going to have a long couple of months. Oye. Hopefully I can bundle up and get out still and try to ward off the winter blues.

Anywhoo, time to sign off and go watch a movie with the lover. I hope you all have a fantastic week!

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