Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Adoption Parent Workshop

So, we are supposed to attend the Adoption Parents Workshop so we could continue on with our adoption paperwork. We knew about the classes, and we knew that we had to take them. We were told that the next classes would start in February, and they would be Wednesday nights. Not bad, we thought. We will just arrange our work schedules now so we won't have to do it then. So we left Wednesday's open so we could attend the classes when they started. So, Sam gets a call yesterday and we didn't get the message until after 10:00 last night. All of a sudden, Sam comes downstairs, and says "You've got to listen to this" At this point, with the look on his face..I was thinking something bad had happened. My heart started skipping, I started to panic! Who died? (At least that is what I was thinking) I was really worried!

Well, it turned out to be our caseworker letting us know that the classes were starting today. Not in February, and not on Wednesday's! So we spent the day trying to get a hold of our caseworker to make sure this was correct, and to make sure we could still make it. We also contacted our work to try and make emergency alterations to our schedule. It was a pain, but it will be worth it. So we got everything worked out, and we went to the first class.

This class goes one night a week, 3 hours a night, for 6 weeks. It goes through all different kinds of ups and downs in adoption. How to fill out your paperwork, and how to do things properly. We learned a lot from the class, and we got to meet some really great people. We talked about how adoption is such a miracle, and there was even a family who came in who had adopted just about 7 months ago. The girl was so cute! And it was great to see what adoption can do for a family. We are so excited to head out on this path, and we can't wait until our journey ends, and we hold a sweet little one in our arms! Next week, we will be talking about infertility. This is going to be a struggle for me, because I don't really know the people in the class, and I have a hard time expressing my true feelings about infertility. So we will do our best, and make it through.

Anyway, we are excited to get this on the road, and another step under our belts. We have all of our paperwork filled out, we just need to pay the initial deposit, and then our caseworker will put everything through as quick as possible. Hopefully everything goes through smoothly!

So this is the update on us. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh wow! What a crazy mess with your class! I love how they changed it at the last minute!! :P It sounds like the classes will be good though! And really, you can't have a much more exciting class then one about an event that will make such a huge difference to your family! I can't even express how incredibly excited I am for you guys!!