Wednesday, December 21, 2011


"don't give up what you want MOST, 
for what you want NOW" 

i know someone who is struggling at the moment. 
she's wondering what to do with two options placed before her. 
one would bring her joy RIGHT NOW, 
and the other would bring her happiness for a long time. 

it's made me think. 
i can understand where she is coming from on this, and i don't envy her 
at all. 

and as much as i want to make a decision for her, and tell her what will be best for her. 
i can't. 
i have to let her choose, and learn on her own. 

and sometimes it sucks. 

but it makes me think about my own life. 
and this quote plays a BIG part in EVERYTHING in my life. 
i think i need to print it out big and hang it up in my house. 

and remember it 

because it's important.

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