Thursday, February 18, 2010

Random Nonsense

I don't really have a purpose of blogging tonight...other than I feel like I need to.

Sounds exciting huh.

So, let me apologize for anything in advance that might come out of my mouth tonight. :-)

Ever feel lost? Like you don't know where you are going? But you know you have to keep moving forward? That's kind of how I have felt today.

and trust me, I have MANY reasons to be happy.
I remind myself of them D.A.I.L.Y
(many times a day)

But sometimes you just wonder what's going on, and
what's the point

I am sure the weather attributes to a lot of this
also a sick kid who isn't letting me get much sleep

I do a lot of thinking
which I usually try not to do, because I don't like diving too far into this head of mine

but sometimes, you just have to

there are a lot of things I am going to work harder on.
and some things that I am really going to try and let go

no matter how painful it may be
no matter how many tears are shed
because that's what I want to do right now

Curl up and have a good cry

but know that for now, I am alive and surviving each day

and I have one CUTE little boy :-)

And my mood will pick up soon, don't you worry :-)


Michelle said...

I hope you are feeling more like yourself soon. I can totally relate. It's especially "annoying" when you know that you have so many things to be thankful for, but still can't get out of your "funk." Hang in there! Love ya!

Crystal said...

Cheer up hun!!! Need to talk I am only phone call away!!