Seriously. I thought Sam was bad when he was sick, but I was soon to find out how wrong I was. And it isn't necessarily that he is's just HARD to do ANYTHING! Let's start with yesterday morning. He woke up and Sam took him out of our room so I could attempt to sleep some more. I come out a little bit later, and find that Bubba has thrown up a couple of times. Well, I sit and hold him and snuggle him and he throws up on me. Ok..let's check him over. No fever, he is still happy and smiling and crawling around. Ok, not bad. He went down for a nap a short time later. He wakes up and we try just a little bit of water to see if his stomach can handle it. He hasn't even finished the bottle of water (4 ounces) and it all comes back up. Great.
Ok, check him over again...Still no fever, still color in his face, still smiling and crawling around. Ok, he seems ok. About an hour come the runs. Poor little guy can't keep ANYTHING in him! We wait a little bit and try water again. This time he was able to keep it down! YAY! Wait a little bit longer and we try some formula. He keeps this down too! So we feed him some more formula, because he must be starving. He keeps it down, and he goes down for the night. Ahh..he must be over it, it must of been a little 24 hour bug or something.
1:30am rolls around and I head back to bed (hey, don't be hatin') Bubba wakes up and wants nothing but to be held. So I try to snuggle him in bed, he just keeps moving around. So I come out to the family room and try rocking him. I get him to sleep and he is restless again. So, about 4:00am I head back to bed. Lay him in his crib, and he goes to sleep. Great! He wakes up again about 8:00. I pull him into bed with me and he snuggles right in against me and falls back asleep. Again wakes up about 9 and Sam takes him out again. I come out a little later to find out that he threw up all over Kasia. Poor little didn't know what hit her!
Great. So we are back to square one. So all day today, he hasn't wanted to play as much. He just wants to be held. If we put him down for anything, he will whine, follow us around and give us the saddest face. Until we are compelled to pick him up again. Not that I mind. I love holding him and snuggling him. But he doesn't want to snuggle. He just wants to sit in your arms and then change positions a million times every minute. And I'm not lying. Ok, so maybe it was only like 100 times every minute. But I don't exaggerate! Ok, so it's more like 5 times a minute. But still...
So anyway...he has been able to keep his bottle down that he ate a couple of hours ago. We will have to see how the rest of the night and tomorrow goes.
Oh, and to end this post, I will state that we got 5-6 inches of snow yesterday! So, now it is FREEZING cold outside, and I want to go on a somewhere warm....
And I might just make Bubba make the reservations, since he looks like he knows how to use a computer. :-) Yes I let him sit in Sam's computer, No I didn't move him, Yes I took his picture. Haha, take that!
Ohh :( It's such a bummer when babies get sick. I hope he's feeling better soon.
Can I send your Christmas card to the same address I mailed the khaki sling to?
I hope he is better again soon! He is so cute though...that last picture is hilarious! Ummmm Texas is warm...hint, hint.
Do you remember the number on that train?
Sick babies are no fun. There is a little 24 hour bug going around...Rella had it for a little longer than 24 hours. It is so hard because they can't tell you what is just have to guess and hope you're guessing right. I hope he's feeling better!
Woah, Ry has been sick all weekend with the same thing! What the heck?! Is Bubba feeling better? Porr little guy!
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