Thursday, May 5, 2011

a day with the dinos

tuesday evening, we went down to thanksgiving point to take some pictures. 
it was too windy. 
so we didn't take pictures, and instead, sam, bubba, and i went to the dinosaur museum. 
bubba was so excited to see the dinosaurs. 

until we got there 

then he didn't want to be put down. 
which is odd for him, because he can't stand to be held and always has to be walking. 
but yeah. he refused to get down. 
silly boy. 

here are some pictures of our outing. :) 
we were the last ones to leave, and had to walk through part of the museum in the dark. 
that was kind of creepy..

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sounds fun and great pictures. Wow, that exhibit with the human skeleton is a bit creepy! And I wish Nathan was as willing to walk as Bubba usually is! Every since Christopher was born, Nathan got really clingy and wanted to be carried everywhere and still does - which sucks since we don't have a car and have to walk everywhere! Oh well, one day he'll grow up.