Friday, May 20, 2011


alrighty then 

~i hate jurassic park. we are currently watching the second one, and i am reminded how bad i dislike those movies. poor cinematography and everything. bleh. i don't think i'm going to sleep tonight. i'll either be up with a scared to death 3 year old, or my own mind keeping me awake.

~i need an interior decorator to come and do a major overhaul on my house. it's sad. 

~ at this moment, i am starving. and i really want cheesecake. 

~i love business season for my photography. it keeps my mind off of things. 

~infertility sucks. 

the end.


Michelle said...

I actually really like the first Jurassic Park! haha And, now I want cheesecake too, even though I'm not starving. And I'm sorry that this is a trial you have to deal with - I wish I could make it all better. ;(

mandy_moo said...

dangit, now I want cheesecake too!!