Monday, January 4, 2016

Ice Skating and Life Lessons

We surprised the boys with ice skating on Saturday. 
First time in our married life that we have ever gone ice skating. 
Bubba was excited. Little man threw a fit when we tried to put skates on (he didn't want to sit still) and we seriously started to wonder if we should just quit. 
We stuck through it, and ended up on the ice. Sam took off with little man, and bubba looked nervous. We took a step out on the ice and bubba.came.unglued. 

We worked our way to the outside edge where there was padding he could hold on to and proceeded to work our way around the track. In tears. Bawling, death grip on the mats and yelling at me that he wanted to go home. 

We were so excited to go and now seriously regretting it. After 20 minutes and barely making it 1/4 way around the track, he held on to me and I asked what he was scared of. 
"Falling" said through tear stained cheeks. 
After a LOT of encouragement, holding and pushing. He fell. 
I got down by him and asked. "Did it hurt?" 
And he looked up at me surprised. "No! It didn't hurt at all" 
And then the game changed. We couldn't keep him off of the ice! 
He kept trying to do tricks and skate faster. 
3 hours later, we left with sore feet and smiles on our faces. 
"Mom, that was the best day EVER!!" 

What a lesson to learn! What is holding us back? We all have dreams. There are so many things that I want to accomplish. What's stopping me? Fear of falling. 
But take that leap, and fall flat on your butt. See that it's not as scary as you thought, and then....


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