Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Night Confessions

Thanks to my dear friend Carolyn I am going to try to do confessions. I think it might be fun, and it will start out simple at first, and then we might get into something. Muhahaha. Carolyn, I know I said I was going to do Thursday night confessions, and I might change it to that next week, but for now...they are Friday night confessions. Because I am too impatient to wait until next Thursday to start, and it's my blog so I can do what I want.
  • I love photography (this isn't really a confession...everyone knows it..)
  • I can't burp. I have tried and tried to learn how. I have had many teachers on this subject, but I just can't do it.
  • I hate being cold.
  • I hate semi-trucks. Whenever Sam is driving and we drive past one, I hold my breath and close my eyes. It's THAT bad. When I am driving, I will wait until all other cars have passed me (if it is 2 lanes) and then I will only pass on a straight stretch of road. If there are more than 2 lanes, I will get into the farthest one away from the semi and pass. I have been known to hyperventilate while passing semi-trucks. NOT a pretty sight...
  • I am scared of the dark.

Ok, I think I am going to end with those ones. I think 5 is a good number. I will try to keep this up every week, and I will think of things that I can confess. Haha. Wish me luck.


Joswha said...

Confessions? Is blogging now headed towards the sad adolescent game of truth or dare? lol
I feel ya on semi-trucks Tara. I hate driving by them too. But I don't think I'll be confessing anything on my blog just yet for the sake of the children (and by children I mean those with the child like mentality towards those different from themselves)

Anonymous said...

Um Tara you have NO idea how excited I am about your Confessions! I think it's so funny to do Confession night. You have to keep it up they are fun to read. Plus that is crazy about the Semi thing, I hate them too, just not as bad as you :)