Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Good News!!

Well we finally have some VERY good news! There are actually 2 bits of information that I am going to share with you.

#1: We got our papers turned in! - Yes that's right, we turned in our first round of papers today. We will wait a couple of weeks at the most before we are assigned to a caseworker. Once assigned to a caseworker we will proceed with, you guessed it, MORE PAPERWORK! The average time to get approved for adoption is 5 months. The record was 1 month. So we are going to try and get approved ASAP, so we can get approved before moving! So we are officially on the road to adopting. Yay!! SO exciting!

#2: You will remember my older post about Sam's schooling costing way to much? Well, we don't have to pay all that! We origionally thought that we had to pay a surcharge due to him having so many credits. But lo and behold, we found out today that he doesn't have to pay it! This is going to save us at leat $4,000 on ONE semester of school! We are very excited for this, because the money that we were putting towards that, we can now put towards adoption, and the rest to pay anything else we want to pay! I am SO excited about this! This is such an answer to prayers!

So anyway. This has been a good day, other than the fact that I had to work today. :-P. But we survived. Yay! And Thanksgiving is coming up, and right now we have so much to be thankful for! Well, I guess I better get back to working on pictures. I just thought that I would give an update. Have a great one!


Anonymous said...

You've been tagged.... check out my website.

Michelle said...

Oh hurrah about #2! I hadn't heard that part! What GREAT news!! So maybe that will give you the cash you'll need for the adoption! So exciting!