- I dream of living on a beach. Or within 5 minutes of a beach. As long as I could hear the waves, and be able to go watch the sunset over the ocean/lake/pond. There is something so relaxing and peaceful about it. And someday..I will live on a beach by the ocean. They better have bodies of water in heaven..
- I really don't like drama. It's too dramatic. But I'm a sucker and try to make it better.
- At this moment, I want to go splurge on a new bedset. Now that we have graduated from the family room couch, to the basement bedroom with a queen sized bed, I want a new bedset! With decorative pillows and everything. I have been looking for some online..but none that I am absolutely in love with...oh well. I'll keep looking.
- I could eat sausage all day. I LOVE it! Put it on a muffin in the morning with an egg, eat it as a hamburger, eat them in links, whatever. I think sausage is my favorite meat at the time being. That might change in a week.
- I spent time with Bubba alone today, just the two of us. (This doesn't happen too often since we live with 5 other people) and I am not sure what I am going to do when we move out and I do that every day! It was fun spending time with him, and taking care of him...but I think he almost killed me. Haha. But I sure love him!
- I usually eat breakfast at 12:00 noon or later. It is very rare that I eat anything before then. Sam always gives me a hard time for it, but I just can't get myself to do it.
Ok, I think I will end there for now. Enjoy!